Sunday, March 11, 2012

El trabajo de los manos pequeños (the work of small hands)

This week I’m officially at my half waypoint for my time in Costa Rica. I’ve been here for 8 weeks and I only have 9 more to go! I still love this beautiful country with fantastic weather. I’m hoping that I will be able to travel around to see more of the beautiful country in the next 9 weeks. Last weekend I went whitewater rafting and zip-lining, which was a lot of fun. I plan on finding some more fun and interesting things like this to do before I leave! 

However, the thing I love the most about Costa Rica is working with the children at Hometwo! They are all so beautiful and simply precious. Whenever I tell people that I'm a preschool teacher everyone automatically says, “You must have a lot of patience!” I’ve always said I don’t feel like I need to have a lot of patience. I believe the kids have to use more patience with me than I do with them! This is especially true here in CR because I do not speak much Spanish! All of the kids are so kind and patient with me as I do not always understand. Luckily, in Montessori we use very little words when giving lessons with most of the “works” in a classroom. I am surprised at how I am able to show a child something, using very little words, and they repeat it almost perfectly! It melts my heart each time and even more so when they take it out the next day because they liked it and want to do it again!

Now, I’m not able to show you pictures of the kid’s beautiful faces. The school has a rule that we are not allowed to post any pictures of the kids online.  Although I’m sad for you, because these children truly are beautiful, I have decided their cuteness is not the most important thing to show you. Instead, I want to show you the work these children are doing. This is the work of small hands.. 

Metal inset

Binomial cube

This is a sweet picture. One child got out the trinomial cube and didn't know how to put it away another little girl asked if she could give the lesson on how to put it away. She did a wonderful job! 

More metal inset work! 

This is comparing the cylinder block with the colored cylinders. I gave this lesson to another child the previous day this child observed and took it out the next day. 

Serving tea.. yes these children are actually serving tea! They are not just "playing tea party"!

This little girl took the broad stair and tall tower out and put them completely at random!! 

However, she still did her work very nicely! 

The long stair. This is one of the melting my heat moments. I gave this lesson the day before and he took it out and did it almost perfectly! 

Initial sound boards. All of the language curriculum is done in english. 

The rectangular box of the constructor triangles. Another teach gave him this lesson the day before and he did it almost perfectly the next day! I just love them!! :) 

Cleaning a chalk board, they love this because you have to write on before you can clean it! :) 

Transferring water with a baster. This is really great for kids working on their hand strength! 

Matching nuts with bolts! 

Washing the dishes after serving tea. 

Metal insets.. the kids love working with these! They are great for developing a better pencil grip for writing and working on their shapes! We have several of these with all different shapes. 

The table rods. These are a miniature version of the red and blue rods that are normally used for math. This little girl just wanted to take them out because they were cute and tiny. :) 

Making bread with jam. The children will make this and then shares with his friends! 

This picture of this ADORABLE child I am allowed to post!! His mom is one of the teachers and she gave me permission! :) 

See... Just adorable... 

Soap grading! They LOVE this!! 


More art.. 

Making a snack... see here she is using a REAL knife! Children are capable of working with knives and not cutting themselves! 

This last picture is of a child who I was showing the spindle box to. He was determined to get the rubberband around the spindles all by himself! I love watching the kids when they are so determined to get something! I believe he had is tongue out and everything! 

I love all of these children so much! Words cannot explain how much I love this job...