Monday, February 13, 2012

Shaking things up!

This morning at 4:55am things really got shaken up around here! I felt my first earthquake in Costa Rica! I don't normally get up this early but I set my alarm for 4:45 because I wanted to do a few things before work. I am wondering if I would of even woke up for the earthquake if my alarm didn't already go off! Maggie was also pretty sleepy and only woke up for a few seconds and just sat up as if to say "really, can you stop not I'm trying to sleep!!" I didn't even realize what was happening at first, I though just a really big truck was passing by at first and then when it didn't stop and got stronger I realized I was experiencing my first quake! So, then I HAD to know the magnitude. I kept refreshing the "todays earthquakes" page on my phone and then it finally came up and this is what I saw:

 A 6.1 earthquake! I experienced a 6.1 earthquake!! Then later they changed the number from a 6.1 magnitude earthquake to 5.8 magnitude earthquake. This is still stronger than any quake I’ve every felt! The only other earthquake I have ever actually felt was a 4.9 back in 2003. This was MUCH different! The weirdest part was when it was settling back down and I could feel the earth swaying back and forth! Yet another new adventure for me!

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