Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Why blog?

There are several reasons why I have decided to start this new blog. First, I think it's important to keep everyone updated while I'm in Costa Rica of all the things that I am learning and doing, especially my friends and family. I might not always want to put everything up on facebook but explaining something on a blog sounds more beneficial. Which brings me to the second reason for starting this new blog, lets face it, the montessori blogs out there just aren't that great. I feel it would be very beneficial for guides (or teachers) to start writing about there experiences and explaining what montessori is and how it affects the children we work with everyday. There are so many people who do not even know that Montessori education is and if more people are writing then hopefully more people will be reading and sharing with others.

My final reason for starting this blog is that I'm young. There are not very many "young" montessori teachers. Let me first clarify that when I say young I mean younger than 30, well in the United States. In two training classes that I have been in and observed, there were a total of 31 students. Out of those 31 students only 5 were under the age of 30, myself included. I have also worked at 3 different montessori schools over the past 5 years and at each of these schools I was the only teacher that was under the age of 30. There is nothing wrong with this and I actually enjoy this kind of work environment, however, I feel it is important that the world (ok, I'll be more realistic about .0000000000000000001% of the world) hears a young montessori guides' perspective. My hope is that there will be more younger montessori guides one day. Again, this may not be very realistic but a girl has to dream and everything has to start somewhere!

*** I feel a should note that there were several young students in Costa Rica's teacher training, another reason why I am so excited to work/ observe there***

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